Complete bliss.  If it wasn’t too early for bugs they’d be stuck in my teeth from grinning the whole way.

As you know from my last post, physical therapist Bob designed a lower body workout to get me through the winter that made me realize what a whimp I’ve become.  It was hard to do at first, then boring.  Every muscle got stronger–sometimes by bounds.  Except the inner thigh (sigh).

I can’t make myself go to the gym once Spring starts.  I hit the hot springs and start walking, even running a few steps.  But I know it’s not enough.  So I pump up the tires on the bike — anything but go inside the gym on this warm spring day.  And I’m off.  To the cafe in record time, easy.  Download the NY Times on my iphone when there isn’t a free one to read.  Open a twitter account (saneinpain) after reading that Salman Rushdie tweets.

Pick up some lambchops and roast turkey at the local meat market and head home.  Sure, I pushed the bike the last few yards. It’s just silly not to in the thick grass of the soccer fields and uphill.  The radish/turkey/yellow pepper/strawberry/purple onion/shaved parmesan salad on the patio is so good, the body metabolizing the fresh produce like nectar.

What a joy–to ride again. The first burst down the hill and over the bridge and under the street along the stream…

Finally, to pick up some speed.  I need a better helmet.