21 Breaths to Peace
Make a note of the time and how much pain, on a scale of 1 to 10, you are feeling. If you prefer to listen to an audio guide, click play below.
Now, to steal a page from Lama Surya Das, let’s find our comfortable seat and get in touch with the body a little bit. Put your attention on the seat, the knees, the ankles, the feet, the belly, the back, the butt, the upper back, the chest, the neck, the face, the scalp. Tune in a little bit. Feel the feelings there.
And then, breathe in. Follow the breath all the way in.
And breathe out, letting everything go. Say to yourself “one.”
And then, breathe in. Follow the breath all the way in.
And breathe out, letting everything go. A little death. Say to yourself “two.”
And breathe out, letting everything go. Say to yourself “three.”
Continue for 21 Breaths. If you lose count, just start over, until you’ve practiced putting your attention on your breath for six minutes.
Then note how much pain, on a scale of 1 to 10, you are feeling.